
[DarkSiders2] All Book of the Dead Page Locations 全死靈之書取得方法

[DarkSiders2] All Book of the Dead Page Locations 全死靈之書取得方法

死靈之書 (Book of the Dead Page) 在遊戲中不單是解成就, 而且還可以得到很多寶物!! 所以找來了全死靈之書的取得地區, 讓大家不用四圍搵啦!!

死靈之書總共有40張, 記著集齊後回去找VULGRIM拿報酬!!

1 - Forge Lands - 0:10
2 - Forge Lands - 0:26
3 - The Cauldron - 0:42
4 - The Cauldron - 0:58
5 - The Drenchfort - 1:13
6 - The Drenchfort - 1:36
7 - The Shattered Forge - 1:51
8 - The Lost Temple - 2:12
9 - The Lost Temple - 2:42
10 - The Foundry - 3:13
11 - Kingdom of the Dead - 3:48
12 - Gilded Arena - 4:04
13 - Phariseer's Tomb - 4:32
14 - Phariseer's Tomb - 4:51
15 - The Spine - 5:11
16 - Judicator's Tomb - 5:28
17 - Judicator's Tomb - 6:00
18 - Judicator's Tomb - 6:25
19 - City of the Dead - 6:42
20 - City of the Dead - 7:06
21 - City of the Dead - 7:27
22 - City of the Dead - 7:46
23 - Lostlight - 8:09
24 - Earth - 8:27
25 - Earth - 8:48
26 - Earth - 9:12
27 - Earth - 9:30
28 - Earth - 9:47
29 - The Ivory Citadel - 10:03
30 - The Ivory Citadel - 10:28
31 - The Scar - 10:48
32 - The Nook - 11:19
33 - The Weeping Crag - 11:51
34 - The Fjord - 12:20
35 - The Fjord - 13:22
36 - Shadow's Edge - 14:37
37 - The Black Stone - 14:59
38 - The Black Stone - 15:18
39 - The Black Stone - 15:36
40 - The Black Stone - 16:08

